Fun facts about coffee?

15 Coffee Facts to Liven Up Your Day | NescafΓ© | MENA
  • Coffee goes back a really long way. 800AD
  • Coffee is indeed a fruit. The beans grow on bushes.
  • Who loved coffee? Beethoven loved coffee. He had to have 60 beans per cup in each cup of coffee.
  • What country grows the most coffee? Brazil grows the most coffee in the world.
  • What country drinks the most coffee? Finland
  • Coffee wasn’t always for drinking. Back in the day they would grind the berries and add it to the meat or fat and then eat it.
  • There are two different types of coffee bean. Arabica and Robusta
  • Who can get you an Office coffee break room? Culligan Fort McMurray!

Culligan of Fort McMurray carries a variety of Coffee Brands and flavors to create a great tasting break room. Need a break room coffee machine? Culliganfm also carries Bean to cup machines, Touchless coffee machines and K cup machines. Talk to our team today (780.791.0856) and let them help set up your Office break room.

Pet Hydration

Humans are not the only ones in the house hold that need water. Water also plays an active part in a pets life. Water helps to regulate a pets temperature, it helps with their congnitive functions, lubricates their joints and helps with their brain and spine. So in a pets world, they need water to live. Give them the hydration gift of great tasting Culligan RO water, so you can rest assured that they are drinking water and statying healthy. Call us today, 780.791.0856, and chat with one of our Culligan of Fort McMurray water experts on whcih RO system is right for your household.

LOVE Water!

Keep treating your body with LOVE this month. Give yourself the love with whole-body wellness on every level with a watersoftner. Removing hardness from water prevents residue buildup, leaving your hair feeling lighter & cleaner and your skin feeling softer after every shower. Water helps hydrate your body giving you the proper fuel for the day. Give yourself some self love not just today but every day with Culligan of Fort McMurray Water services. give us a call 780.791.0856

Fuel for your Body

The key to whole-body wellness starts with better water
Keep up with your resolution of whole-body wellness and give your body some extra love on every level with soft water. Removing hardness from water prevents residue buildup, leaving your hair feeling lighter & cleaner and your skin feeling softer after every shower.

Want to find out how much better your water can be? Start with our Culligafm free water test and consultation.